Sunday 31 May 2009

This is my cell phone, the Nokia N73, I have since September last year when I lost my old cell phone, served me for many things, but especially for taking pictures of my important moments, it has a very good camera, also listen to music, and most importantly, to be notified whenever I need it. I use very often because I am always talking to somebody every day. without it i were a serious uncomunicate! xD jhajhaa I would not have news of my family in Los Andes or communicate with my friends. but a very important thing is to take pictures and videos of my classes of anatomy and histology, which I need to study for the practical test.

For all this and more my phone is very important in my life and has become something very tracendental for it, we could say that without my life would be much more difficult.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

My new blogg!!

hi i'm Diego Martin Valenzuela Caiceo and this is my first blogg. I know this is a very good idea for practic english, i like, becouse here i can do so much funny things. I share pics, post, and comment in the bloggs of my friends.

In my blogg i can share my opinion of all things in the world, and public articles of things interesting for me!! =)
For now this is all of i can talk, but in the future come more good post!!, so much
greetings for all my friends. Have a nice day!!

Diego !! =)
A new blogger is born!! xD